Book launch: ‘Memphis' by Tara Stringfellow
Aim: Support Black womxn to embody the themes of Tara Stringfellow’s book; appreciating the legacy and gifts of Black womanhood, relationships and joy.
Audience: Black womxn 20s+
Client: John Murray Press
Partner: Dark Matter Marketing
Artistic Solution: To encourage participants to express themselves and find joy through mindful African art making, I shared my own journey of engaging with art to rewrite and visualise my identity.
The heart of the workshop directly reflected the narrative of the main character of Memphis, which went on to become an international bestseller.
Workshop date: April 2023
Creativity. Happiness. Relaxation.
The laughter, intimacy and sisterhood in the room embodied what Tara’s writing’s is all about – the joy and resilience of black womxn.