Care Conversation
Monday 12 August 1130 - 1500
Makerere Institute of Social Research library pavilion
Spoiled and lazy or unprepared and exhausted? How can Njabala inspire us to reflect on caring for our bodies and nature? How can we honour our humanity by observing the cycles in our bodies and our relationship to the seasons in nature?
Move and dance mindfully through "Cultivating Rhythms of Care", a biophilic installation, curated to reflect on the monthly cycle of a woman and the cycles in nature supported by a soundscape by Rebecca Khamala and Birungi Kawooya. Join us for a caring discussion, share knowledge on local foods, the changing seasons and how we can bring harmony to our lives.
We are delighted to welcome The Black and Yellow Pan-Coffee Shop by Gor Soudan, an interactive mobile art platform which examines the act of ritual in food culture; rituals of preparation, consumption and waste disposal with reference to traditional pan-coffee culture in Eastern Africa.
11:30 am - Coffee with KLA Artist, Gor Soudan
12:00 pm - Walk through Cultivating Rhythms of Care with artists Birungi and Rebecca Khamala
12:30 pm - Lunch by MISR
13:30 pm - Dance through the seasons with Aminah Namakula and experience how dance encodes cultivation and womanhood practices
14:00 pm - Group discussion
15:00 pm - Close