Telling my first abuser, that I love(d) him was the bravest act of self love and ego death. When I was in my teens, I found out my Dad was in a relationship with my Aunt claiming she seduced him. She would have been a teenager, when he preyed on her. He also called my reaction hysterical and said I didn't understand my culture. The culture of p@triarchal violence and gas lighting is sadly not specific to the Baganda. He broke my heart and fractured my family. Loving someone so wreckless devasted my self trust and ability to truly love myself. By telling him I love(d) a few years ago, I became honest about my decades long heartbreak and began to heal. I portray ego death and my potential to renew by using regenerative natural fibres olubugo (bark cloth), which is harvested from a living tree, which heals when wrapped in banana leaves. The grief I allow myself to feel is a pathway to reclaiming my own humanity and nurture love within beloved community. And this is why I'm sharing my heartwork with you today.