I feel like I'm capable of making my own happiness and it reminds me of how far I've come in 2021.
This piece I finished last night represents the joy, power and creative inspiration that comes from pursuing inner peace. Shining from within.
2021, was the year I truly learned how much I need to just focus on the breath and go inwards. Doing less helped. Meditating helped. Singing when anxiety shortened my breath helped. CBT helped alot! Learning to dance Kiganda really helped bring me back into my body and connect to my heritage. The love and support from my friends and family helped so much ❤
I held art workshops for various communities to make art mindfully and collage with African prints; beginners, artists, writers, young creatives, school children, people on a pregnancy journey and my fellow Ugandans! Each experience made me feel soooooo good and peaceful and that's the power of art in the community.
Thank you everyone of my art collectors, art workshop participants and to the organisations and schools who booked me to guide so many incredible people! I can't wait to hold my next sessions online and in person!
@blackminduk @peckhamplatform @society_of_authors @migreenwich @4ourthspace @sheffieldmaternitycooperative @communityofcultures @kaumaarts @royal_greenwich @porticolibrary
Brimming with gratitude, thank you for making 2021 an incredible year of growth!