When I was around 5 years old and living in Bromley, I would tell my family, "I want to be white." A year before, we were living in Uganda, and I had no concept of race.
People love to ask me, "what does your name mean?" and I used to pretend my name meant Princess, when it actually meant "good" or "beautiful". I didn't feel beautiful, being good was a big ask, and I understood that I could get some respect by stealing a title! At 8, I understood class privilege.
I like that in this artwork, the model's skin is jet black and her gaze is direct.
My understanding of self-worth is evolving, turning inward and that is why I'm sharing my artwork with you today.›
African dance party nostalgia
Growing up, music and dance transformed the energy of our home. My parents would throw parties in our huge council flat garden, that went on into the night. Congolese and Ugandan music play and my family, Aunts, Uncles and cousins would dance in the darkness. Playing, dancing and feeling the music vibrate in your chest and feet is a feeling like no other. Nostalgia led me to reimagining the iconic Malick Sidibé photograph, “Nuit de Noël” and exploring childhood memories. The photo shows siblings dancing, these are my favourite people to dance with and this is why I'm sharing my artwork with you today.
Alvin Ailey's Cry inspires us to honour Mothers
CRY - This artwork is based on Alvin Ailey's choreography "Cry" which is a dedicated to his beloved Mother and is a heartwrenching watch.
Why do we treat Mothers so poorly? How can we be better?
KLA Art ’24 Festival Artist Collaboration Announcement
I am delighted to have been awarded a grant from the Makerere Institute of Social Research to participate in the KLA Art ’24 festival “Care Instructions” and co-curate “Cultivating Rhythms of Care” with artist Rebecca Khamala.
Cultivating Rhythms of Care is a call to reflect on our relationship with nature to encourage returning to harmony and eco feminist practices, as our internal rhythms fundamentally point us to living that way. By creating a stimulating environment that shares the knowledge we have gathered and space for participants to share their thoughts, the exhibition seeks to add to the care instructions Njabala receives in the Njabala folklore.
What "Slow Down, Birungi" has taught me after three years
I've never felt so floaty before. Unfeeling. Air-like. Consistently meh. That depression burn out crept up on me, unlike the abruptness of lockdown. I was blissfully unaware of my lack of interest in life until the corporate overlords caught me napping on Zooms! Plural. My body was checking me out of that digital life. My body told me to leave, rest and find your people.
I found creative rest and my Black arts peoples! I was deeply disembodied when I produced Black diaspora dance festivals and theatre in Greenwich. And it didn't matter because I was good enough to bring people together with music, visual arts and song. We helped each other to be.
I am because I was held by so many, whilst I floated on drum, kora and ennanga harp rhythms.
3 years after making "Slow Down, Birungi", I live that ethos. Turning inwards easily to love myself through the legacy of trauma. My art practice guides me to a hopeful future, and this is why I'm sharing "Slow Down, Birungi" with you today.
Do black women need to work 10x as hard?
I grew up hearing, "you need to work twice as hard - as a yt person - to get half as much." But why didn't I get told that "you need to work ten times as hard as a Black woman?" Or that the violence in your home, school, work and relationships that you endured because you EXPECT abuse, would disable you?
I love that my breakdowns created much needed fractures from bullshit beliefs systems.
I don't need to be twice or ten times as anybody else, I'm a being. Blooming. And this is why I'm sharing my artwork you today.
Inspired by Josephine Baker. By Birungi Kawooya.
How can art help you to express with authenticity?
When my GP ticked "PTSD" on my record and referred me to a sexu@l violence support group, I was in shock. After years of research, I had summoned the strength to detail my physical and psychological health and he believed me. I'd spent decades invalidating my experiences and numb to what my body and mind was trying to tell me.
Accepting the truth that I need specialist support to live the life I so desire is an act of hope. I love me better, and I am inviting more psychological safety into my life.
My art is how I practice moving in hope, and that is why I'm sharing my art with you today.
Contact me on hello@birungikawooya to enquire about bringing this artwork or fine art print into your collection.
Inspired by Josephine Baker. By Birungi Kawooya.
How can community art help you recover from burnout?
A week or so after getting fired for depression/anxiety/burn out, I said yes to assisting in the production of a Black dance festival in my neighbourhood.
At the time, I didn't have access to feelings or sensations. I had low energy, my head felt like mush and I was grappling with a poor memory. But the lure of meeting community dancers and musicians inspired by African and Black diaspora dance motivated me and gave me life! Seeing Black creatives shine is the best medicine.
It's been 2.5 years since saying "yes" to producing, making, facilitating dance, theatre, writing, visual arts, public art and community art experiences - full-time. I still live with fear and I'm getting better at moving through it, with my incredible circle of support. I'm not entirely sure if it's courage, living in delulu or my neurodiversity but this is my plan A. To be me. A full-time Birungi. Art is our birthright, our expression, a way to be. And this is why I'm sharing my art with you today.
Contact me on hello@birungikawooya to enquire about bringing this artwork or fine art print into your collection.
By Birungi Kawooya.
How can art improve your self image and worth?
My older sisters told me, when I was around 5 years old, that I said, "I want to be white." A year before, we were living in Kampala, and I had no concept of race.
Well-meaning white people love to ask me, "what does your name mean?" and I used to pretend my name meant Princess, when it actually meant "good" or "beautiful". I didn't feel beautiful, being good was a big ask, and I understood that I could get some respect by stealing a title! At 8, I was a cheeky little social climber. Very British indeed.
I like that in this artwork, the figure's hair is covered, and the body language is confident.
My understanding of self-worth is evolving, turning inward and that is why I'm sharing my artwork with you today.
Contact me on hello@birungikawooya to enquire about bringing this artwork or fine art print into your collection.
Inspired by John Boyega. By Birungi Kawooya.
How can art help you heal from sexual violence?
When I invited a date (not John Boyega!) back to mine for a drink, I felt like a sexy cool independent 20-something woman. I didn't date much, and surprisingly, I had a great time with this hot, intelligent man.
I said no many times. He was strong. Eventually, I just stopped saying no and I left my body. I was used, over and over again.
Because I invited him in, it took me years before realising this was assault. I know many women who experienced this. I've found it so difficult to relate to "men" whilst I carry this immense fear in my body. I've looked for connection, but I've been afraid to make eye contact.
Creating artwork is a way for me to invite more love in my life. I'm releasing fear, moving in hope and this is why I'm sharing my art with you today.
Contact me on hello@birungikawooya to enquire about bringing this artwork or fine art print into your collection.
Inspired by Josephine Baker. By Birungi Kawooya.
How can civil rights activist and dancer Josephine Baker inspire you?
Birungi means beautiful and good. Growing up Black in London, I never felt beautiful and because I always had something to say back to my Mum, I wasn’t always a good girl!
In my teenage years, I was a Daddy’s girl, until I called my him out on his bullshit. Our relationship fractured and broke me. In life and work, I have continued to stand up for myself and at crucial times, I am ignored. I carry this fear of rejection and abuse in my body. My middle name Ndwadde means, I’m sick. My body and mind is processing trauma and I am becoming.
Seeing Josephine Baker, an outspoken civil right activist, dancing barefoot in a banana skirt fascinates me.
My art reminds me to ground myself in my true nature, free of white supremacist, imperialist, capitalist, patriarchal and ableist conditioning. I create worlds where Black womxn can be because this creates justice for all, which is why I wanted to share my artwork with you today.
Contact me on hello@birungikawooya to enquire about bringing this artwork or fine art print into your collection.
Join Birungi Kawooya at "Creativity, Health and Wellbeing at the Intersections" at City University, London
Where do we locate our bodies and creativity in a world where our intersections restrict our access and expression?
Can we challenge this and expand meaning through communal embodied experiences?
Can our marginalised identities inspire greater avenues for creativity to flourish?
Join us on the 5th of April for an evening exploring Liberatory Creativity, Intersectional Identity and Healing. To register, please click here.
We will reimagine intersectional creativity with a Life Art Therapy session led by Yaa Yeboah-Newton of Our Naked Truths and a panel discussion featuring Artist-Filmmaker and Writer, Jameisha Prescod; Art wellbeing researcher, Birungi Kawooya; and Decolonising RE Researcher, Writer and Poet, Alexandra Brown.
The session and discussion are about process, reflection, expression and communal discovery. You do not need to be ‘good at art’ to attend.
This session is for all levels i.e. from Stickman Superstars to Painting Prodigies! Come with an open mind and ready to try something new, in a truly transformative and welcoming space.
During the first half, Jameisha, Birungi and Alexandra will serve as your muses. Yaa will guide you through a series of prompts and drawing styles, using the instruments and colours of your choice. We will follow the evening’s creative expression with a relaxed, communal discussion, exploring the evening’s themes with our muses.
Materials and refreshments will be provided.
The event will be facilitated by Kym Oliver, PhD Researcher at City and Co-founder of The Triple Cripples and Our Living Archives.
The session is part of a wider series produced by Kymfor Our Living Archives, an ongoing project which seeks to explore Black Culture, Disability and Identity, centring the experiences and expertise of Women and Gender Expansive members of the community.
Please note: Though open to everyone, these sessions are designed to be a safe space for Black, Disabled, LGBTQIA+, Neurodiverse, POC folks and their allies. We ask that you respect this when sharing the space.
Session structure
5.45pm – Welcome and introduction
5.55pm – Grounding exercise
6.05pm – Drawing session
6.50pm – Break and refreshments
7.00pm – Panel discussion with muses
8.00pm - Close
FLORAL CROWN by Birungi Kawooya
How can art help you process your healing journey?
Growing up in a white suburb of South London, racist chants from my neighbours made me feel inferior.
At work, I was always the first black person in my team and colleagues would question my competence, which made me feel like I was never good enough.
It wasn’t until my dentist told me I had ground my teeth down, that I realised I had developed severe anxiety and depression.
I tried my best to keep up with work demands but needed to find something to help me heal and escape which was when I found art.
My art helps me to process my healing journey, find my voice and supports my wellbeing.
I create worlds where disabled Black womxn are supported, loved and cared for because this creates justice for all, which is why I wanted to share my artwork with you today.
Mindful African Art workshops - Free to Be
Do new years resolutions make you gag and roll your eyes? Me too. It’s both anxiety inducing to be unsure and therein lies the opportunity to explore and get to know yourself a bit better. We will stretch, breathe, write and make together. I am so happy to open up my space for creative rest and exploration.
Read MoreOpen Studio Invitation | Bow Arts Lakeside | Sat 2 December 2-6pm
You are welcome to ground with me in my space of rest. Let's sip tea and day dream liberation for all.
Read MoreWhy do I make art and hold space for collaborative art creation?
Making art and supporting others to make art together is how I practice imagining liberation and divesting from white supremacist, capitalist, imperialist, ableist, patriarchy.
Read MoreRehearsing Community Health Justice | Launch of Community Archival Artworks
Over 10 workshops, I have been holding space for conversations of health, wellbeing, joy and safety and archiving responses of the participants in a quilt that is vibrating with healing strategies and wisdom. Thanks to people of Walworth, Healing Justice London and Pembroke House.
Read MoreWeaving Interdependence | Community Health Research Archival Quilt
I have the enormous privilege of being part of the stellar Healing Justice London (HJL) Justice and Pembroke House team and together we are researching the health, belonging and wellbeing needs of local Walworth residents, so we can co-create a social model for health.
Read MorePodcast: Healing Through Ancestral Wisdom and Movement
I was delighted to join Guilia on Terra Stories to discuss why I make art to understand myself through my culture and our ancestral regenerative wisdom.
Birungi's journey starts with her ancestors, who always found inspiration in nature for their creative work.
🌿 Through the use of banana tree fibers, bark cloth, and batik techniques native to Uganda, they crafted various forms of art that shaped her childhood.
🌱 This left her with a profound respectful relationship with the natural world, driving her to revisit these traditions and incorporate them into her own life, leading her to become a collage artist and art tutor.
🌿 Influenced by her roots, nature, Black feminism, and Afro-somatic movement, Birungi employs her art as a means to explore ways of achieving well-being within a community.
🌱 How did Birungi's origins impact her childhood? Why did she choose natural materials for her art, inspired by her ancestral traditions? How can this art promote healing?
Dive into the vibrant colors, textures, and movement of Birungi's mindful art as we explore these questions and more in this episode.
What does equity and solidarity mean to you? Saying no to lazy BHM requests
I build equitable partnerships with organisations who value my work, because I conduct research and deliver mental health informed art wellbeing programmes all year round. This takes time. If you're approaching me for the first time for a BHM workshop, then you probably don't see me and what I can do for your people. And that's OK! I am may not be for you.
Read More